Good news! Chocolate may not be a migraine trigger for many people.

Chocolate may not be the problem!

Many people avoid chocolate, believing it to be a migraine trigger, but perhaps the sweet treat is not always to blame.

Chocolate is everywhere we look at the moment. Unbelievably, nearly 18 million chocolate eggs will be eaten in Ireland this Easter. However, there are those of us who steer clear of chocolate in all its forms. Everything containing chocolate is avoided for fear that even one small bite could trigger a migraine attack, a neurological condition that can seriously impact a person’s quality of life.

However, while chocolate can be the trigger for some, for many wanting a taste is a sign that a migraine caused by another trigger has already begun.

There are four phases of a typical migraine. Food cravings for something sweet can be part of the initial or prodrome phase, which often occurs 4-24 hours before the headache phase.

Esther Tomkins, Clinical Nurse Specialist at the Migraine Clinic, Beaumont Hospital explained how it works.

“As food cravings occur just before the headache, many believe that chocolate or sweet foods are a migraine trigger. However, in reality, the food cravings are a biological indicator of brain activity that a migraine attack has already started.

“Once patients recognise and understand the prodrome phase, it is often easier to treat and manage the migraine attack. Food related triggers only occur in less than 10 per cent of people with migraine, yet over a third of patients can experience food craving with chocolate and cheese among the most popular choices,” she said.

Skipping meals rather than eating a particular food - even chocolate - is far more likely to trigger a migraine, according to Ms Tomkins who also encourages people with the condition not to be too restrictive with their diet. “Eliminating foods or extreme dieting can cause more problems. Routine with three meals every day is important for the effective management of migraine.”

Keeping hydrated is essential too, however alcohol and caffeine are common triggers.

Migraine is the most common headache disorder seen by doctors in Ireland. It is three times more common in women than in men and between the ages of 15-49 years.

Ms Tomkins recommends that people keep a detailed headache diary so their migraine and likely triggers can be diagnosed for effective treatment. Migraine diaries are available through the Migraine Association of Ireland or by downloading the free Migraine Buddy app. Other supports and resources are available on