Martin Duggan and his wife Elaine who had their reception at the hotel 30 years ago. Photo: Brian Lougheed

Wedding bells to ring at new club

Love is in the air at a new club in one of Cork’s most historic hotels.

If you got married at the Metropole Hotel over the past 50 years, then this club is for you!

The hotel’s first Wedding Club will be launched later this year and will see various events and initiatives to celebrate the joy of weddings.

One couple who had their reception at the Metropole Hotel 30 years ago were Martin and Elaine Duggan.

They married at the Metropole on 19 August 1988 and Martin, who has a cobbler shop on Shandon Street said he loved the hotel because of the tradition associated with it.

Martin said: “I love the old streets of Cork and I am a big fan of tradition. I love the Victorian Quarter and when the Metropole said we would be getting married in the Shandon Room that did it for me.”

They had 100 people at their wedding and they loved it. The couple met at Bogarts in Cork city and fell in love over a curry!

General Manager at the Metropole Hotel, Roger Russell said: “Weddings have changed over the years, going from wedding breakfasts for an hour to big affairs with 200 people over the whole day. Over the last 50 years, we have had more than 3,000 weddings at the hotel and we want to know your stories so please get in touch.”

Once the team has met with couples, they will be creating a wedding wall at the hotel which will display wedding pictures over the years.

The hotel will host an event in October for all of the couples to celebrate past weddings at the hotel. On that night one lucky couple will also win a prize to renew their vows at the hotel.