A new scheme to aid vulnerable workforce groups and small and medium businesses has begun in Cork.

Advance your business!

A new scheme to aid vulnerable workforce groups and small and medium businesses is now up and running on Leeside.

Funded by further education service SOLAS, Skills to Advance is a Government of Ireland initiative which is delivered by the Cork Education and Training Board (CETB).

The scheme is implemented through programmes that have been developed to meet the challenges of rapid technological advances and the changing work environment.

Offering upskilling and reskilling opportunities to employees and SMEs through education and training, Skills to Advance can assist small and medium businesses in identifying their training needs as well as providing training to their workforce. The scheme offers business benefits such as increased productivity, the embracing of new technologies, a higher skilled workforce, improved staff morale and staff retention.

Cork Training Centre, which is part of CETB, runs many evening courses which employees may be able to access free of charge.

Additionally, through Skills to Advance, the CETB can provide business-specific programmes with accessible training opportunities that fit in and around business and work schedules.

For further information on Skills to Advance programmes in the autumn evening course schedule, visit corktrainingcentre.ie or email info@corktrainingcentre.ie.