Late night safe resting place called for

A safe place to rest and recovery for those intoxicated has been called for on Leeside as students head into a new college term.

Leader of Seanad Éireann, Senator Jerry Buttimer, has called for a new approach in dealing with people who become over intoxicated in Cork city while on a night out.

Senator Buttimer said that as a new academic year begins and the student population once again increases, so too will night time activities especially at weekends.

He said: “We need to increase education and create greater awareness amongst all students as to the dangers of over consumption of alcohol, but most importantly what to do if a friend becomes over intoxicated. Regrettably we need to educate people on what to do when a friend becomes so intoxicated they can no longer function and the associated dangers and the medical implications that may arise. I am calling for a Safe Rest and Recovery Place in the city centre that would be supervised by HSE and gardaí in conjunction with Cork City Council.”

The senator also said that this would be a non-judgemental facility and provide assistance and support to individuals and their friends, in a protected and safe environment. The vast majority of people will go out and enjoy themselves, however some may get into difficulty, he added.

Senator Buttimer concluded: “The provision of a safe place where they and their friends could go to while they can be medically assessed or wait for transport home, may reduce the impact on the hospital emergency department and make the city a safer place to be.”