Residents are looking for speed ramps on the Ballyholly Road.

An accident waiting to happen

Residents on the Ballyhooly Road brought their fight for traffic calming measures to a community meeting this week describing it as an accident waiting to happen.

Several locals living around St Lukes told gardaí and a council representative at a community forum that they’ve been hearing excuse and excuse as to why no speed reduction measures have been carried out on the road, especially along the more built up areas.

The residents have been looking for speed ramps but for the past two years have been told that the funding isn’t there for them. However, at the meeting the residents branded the road as an accident waiting to happen while saying it’s a wonder that no child has been knocked down.

They also said it was dangerous when parents are trying to get children in and out of cars.

Labour Cllr John Maher told those at the meeting that it was to do with a lack of funding but some residents felt that this was an excuse. He said he would keep it on the agenda.

“All councillors are signing off the same hymn sheet when it comes to reducing speed in St Lukes,” he said.

All of the residents agreed that installing speed ramps with be a simple measure in slowing down cars on the Ballyhooly Road.

Cllr Ted Tynan with the Workers’ Party said he felt that the northside wasn’t looked on favourably with some people working in City Hall.

“All I can do is keep banging the drum about it,” he added.