The Everyman panto returns this year with ‘Jack and the Beanstalk' starring Fionnuala Linehan, Jimmy Brockie and Margarida Silva. Photo: Miki Barlok

It's panto time!

The stage is set for another slew of pantos on Leeside.

There’s a few to choose from - oh yes there is - and whether it’s a family tradition or you’re new to the scene, there’s several Cork productions that you’re certain to enjoy.

This year’s pantomime at the Everyman Theatre is the wonderful and timeless story of 'Jack and the Beanstalk', which opens on Saturday 30 November. Presented by The Everyman and CADA, it is directed and produced by the famous Catherine Mahon Buckley.

Rehearsals are well under way and the cast includes Michael Sands, playing Saxofen, who wants to rule the world and Jimmy Brockie as Jack Dawe, who is innocent and fun and believes everyone!

Marjorie Dawe, Jack’s Mum, is played by Fionula Linehan and Ciaran Bermingham will bring his own particular brand of craziness to the role of Charlotte Cowlee, who says everything that people think privately. The Goose is back, played by April Kelly and Jill will be performed by Margarida Silva with Alex Hindmarsh as the loveable, kind Giant.

So, make a date, and climb the magical beanstalk with Jack to see and explore what happens. 'Jack and the Beanstalk' will have everything people want from Cork’s best loved traditional panto like their favourite songs, dance routines and slapstick capers. For full details see

Another panto you’re sure to love is 'Peter Pan' which will set sail into Cork Opera House while there’s panto strictly for adults upstairs at An Spailpín Fánach. Cork’s own Chattyboo Productions is back again for another rip-roaring season of adult panto madness of 'Goldilocks and the Three Beours'. Now in its 10th year, be prepared to be shocked, appalled, horrified and offended – and that’s just by the Ugly Sisters. See for more.