The Crawford Art Gallery reopened its doors to visitors at 10am today.

Phase 3 sees pubs and hairdressers return

Ireland has today entered Phase 3 of the roadmap to easing Covid-19 restrictions, so hairdressers, barbers, some pubs and many other facilities can reopen to the delight of many!

Travel around Ireland is also no longer restricted, so there will be some families re-uniting for the first time in months. 

Facilities that are now allowed to open today also include crèches, pre-schools, summer camps, and youth clubs. Health and beauty services such as massage therapy, chiropractors, beauty salons, and of course hairdressers are also able to open.

Religious buildings and places of worship as well as cultural institutions like museums, galleries, theatres, cinemas, and other cultural outlets.

In the hospitality sector, cafes and restaurants, pubs, and hotel bars serving food, hotels and holiday parks can all open. 

Driving schools, driving tests and other driving services can resume from today. 

Last Thursday, the previous government approved the country entering Phase Three, in an accelerated version of the original plan.

From today, up to 50 people can gather indoors and 200 outdoors, once social distancing and public health advice is adhered to. 

All non-essential travel overseas, however, is not advised and should be avoided. 

The use of face coverings will be made mandatory for public transport. Face coverings are also recommended in retail outlets and other places where social distancing is hindered.