Stopping the spread of Covid-19

The protection of children in educational facilities is particularly important as kids and teens are used to being in a hygienic home environment.

With this in mind, Milton recently published a few tips on protecting children and the household from the spread of Covid-19.

• Take your child’s temperature regularly and keep children with Covid-19 symptoms at home

• Train children to wash their hands properly for at least 20 seconds before leaving and entering the house, before and after eating, after going to the toilets, after coughing or sneezing. Sneeze or cough in their flexed elbow

• Keep a hand gel in the school bag (for children above three years old). Ensure that all hand gel contains at least 65 per cent alcohol to be effective on viruses

• Do not use an alcohol-based hand gel on a child below three years of age

• Remind children not to touch their face

• Do not share cups, eating utensils, food or drinks with others

• Children 13 years of age and older should wear a mask when entering all in-door retail outlets or on public transport

• Help your children to relax and enjoy their day at school. Answer their questions and support them if they are anxious. Reassure them that they are safe

• Get children to remove their shoes and change clothes before entering the main living area of your home

• If you use a disposable mask throw it away and if you use a fabric mask put it in a hot wash (minimum 60°C)

• Disinfect surfaces at home regularly using a virucidal disinfectant. Pay attention to hot spots like door handles. You can use Milton solution from either tablets or fluid to disinfect bedside lamps, doorknobs, plastic coated cupboards, radiators and staircase railings.

Christine Chevalier, Marketing and Sales Manager at Milton, commented: “Following the latest WHO guidelines on the new strand of coronavirus, Milton recommends the use of Milton Sterilising Fluid and Tablets to stop the transmission and spread of the virus.

“Milton’s range of hygiene products have been used in clinical environments for over 70 years and help protect families against bacteria, viruses and preventing the spread of germs.”