PHYSIOMOTION3D is a specialist physiotherapy running and movement clinic.

Move, walk or run without pain

“It’s a new era of running analysis and physiotherapy solutions.”

The words of Peter Keane, a lead physiotherapist at PHYSIOMOTION3D, a specialist physiotherapy running and movement clinic that operates an advanced 3D gait analysis systems in a clinical setting.

“Basically, access to this type of advanced technology was previously only accessible in a university research setting or elite running lab. Now, we at PHYSIOMOTION3D clinics are able to offer it to our clients who want to move, walk and run painfree and properly at whatever activity or sport they want to enjoy,” said Peter who is also a running injuries analyst.

Since the Covid-19 lockdown was eased, client numbers have been way up with an array of lower limb injuries or conditions such as shin splints, lower back pain, anterior knee pain, achilles tendinitis, plantar fasciitis and IT Band Syndrome.

“According to Runners World magazine, 79 per cent of people who run or start running, will suffer from some lower limb or back injury each year. That’s an incredible percentage of people and just shows you that their running techniques, strength and conditioning or overtraining need to be corrected,” continued Peter.

“There’s nothing worse than not being able to get out and move, run or walk. It’s a basic necessity in life, like sleeping or eating. That’s where a lot of satisfaction for us comes, as clinicians, in being able to address these problems for our clients.

“With our experience, advanced 3D technology and scientifically backed evidence, we analyse and identify exactly where each client’s issues are stemming from, why it is happening and what to do about it. We have developed different RUN3D packages for clients of all shapes and sizes, who want to run or walk regularly, to the injured runner or athlete with persistent movement injuries to the elite or marathon runners who want to improve their times and perform competitively.”

PHYSIOMOTION3D has physiotherapy solutions that are very well structured with different packages for different issues. The client gets a simple, well-illustrated, easy to understand report and knows exactly where their problem is, why it’s happening and most importantly how to get it resolved.

“After being in the physiotherapy business for 25 years,” said Peter, “life’s too short not to be able to move painfree and efficiently and now we have the technology and solutions to help that.” PHYSIOMOTION3D Cork is based at Kilross Clinic, Bishopstown Road. Call 086-8312621, email or visit the website