Finding love in a pandemic

Everyone is looking forward to life returning to some kind of normality, being able to meet up with friends and family again, visit restaurants, go for long drives, stay in hotels and travel abroad - the list goes on and on of all the things we took for granted prior to March 2020.

Many single, divorced and widowed people who have felt lonely on their own during lockdown are planning to change that when things return to normal and they can go out dating again.

Eithne from twoheartsmeet dating agency is getting enquiries every week from people who are interested in joining up and meeting someone special. “Many unattached people have realised during lockdown that they would prefer to be part of a couple,” she says.

“I got a call after Christmas from a lady who said if we ever get another pandemic, she wants to have someone in her life to weather the storm together. It made her realise that, even though she values her independence, she misses having someone to go through the ups and downs of life with. Covid really brought that home to her.”

Eithne is looking forward to profiling new clients when the restrictions are lifted and is is currently compiling a list of interested singletons. If you want to find out more about the process involved, call her on 085-7742444 or visit