Graham McCormack, lifecoach and corporate wellness speaker

Cork Profile

Name and position: Graham McCormack, lifecoach and corporate wellness speaker

Age: 32 but feel 21

Lives: County Cork

Family: Father to Kayla who is 13 years old

Pets: Rocky the dog (can you tell I like combat sports?)

Favourite thing about Cork: I wouldn’t put it down to one, I love the energy in Cork city and the calmness of the coast

Least favourite thing about Cork: The homeless situation

One thing you’d change about Cork: Have better inner city education and services on drugs and homelessness

When you were small, what did you want to be as a grown-up?

As a child I loved playing with wrestlers and really getting creative with them and using my mind as if I was one and right there in the ring. As I grew up, I naturally transitioned into an MMA fighter at the age of 19. I got in a cage which was close enough to a ring. I fought on the same show as Conor McGregor in 2010 here in Neptune Stadium.

Tell us about your career progression to your role today:

I was expelled from school at 16 and went straight to rehab where I lasted only a week and a half and came back home with knowing things had to change. I got a job I disliked to keep others happy. I didn’t last long, it was a cycle of job after job I did not want. All this time in the background my life was falling apart, and it did for years. I managed to turn my life around and found great joy in helping others do the same so I found myself doing a life and business coaching course and a mindfulness course where I finally felt I was doing what I was meant to be and living my purpose. Since I had no Leaving Cert, I found it extremely hard to get a job and the fact I was not in a job for long left me feeling stuck in life. That coaching course was in 2018 and since then I have found myself helping hundreds of individuals and companies thrive and live in a space where they are deeply tapped into potential and results.

What is the most enjoyable aspect of what you do?

Getting to meet people at a deep human and emotional level, whether it is a CEO, team leader, husband, wife or work colleague. We all identify with a role in life and labels. I am known as a coach and speaker but that is not who I am, underneath lies the person who has felt pain, is insecure, has loved and lost, all that it means to be human and alive. Nothing brings me more pleasure then connecting with someone and seeing them drop the ‘role’ be vulnerable and themselves.

What motivates you?

There is intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, just as internal and external. Intrinsic motivation for me is what happens on the inside as I chase my goals, that rush of self improvement, that sense of accomplishment or pride. I love it, I get great joy out of personal development and the good thing about it is, personal development is a lifelong pursuit it never ends.

Extrinsically, I love the feeling that certain things give me. Like competing in MMA for nearly three years, that journey to get my hands on a belt, those medals every fight, the aspects that I could physically touch meant a lot to me. Now, my main focus is intrinsic rewards, like seeing a change in myself after committing to meditation everyday for a month. These things cannot be bought and it excites me.

What advice would you give your 15 year old self?

Nothing, if I was going to give myself advice, it means I would be trying to change an outcome and I accepted my past a long time ago.

If you weren’t in the job you have, what would you be doing?

I’d probably be a professional MMA fighter. At one point I was very close to doing so.

What is your greatest life or career achievement to-date?

How long do you have? Well for me it is overcoming the following – self harm since seven, addiction since 11, homelessness, obesity, self sabotage, three suicide attempts, abuse, bullying, a deep feeling of never good enough, self destructive behaviours and patterns, nine psychiatric ward stays, was not allowed to see my daughter temporarily for obvious reasons, severe anger issues and a hatred for the world and myself. Getting over a fear of planes by jumping out of one for a suicide prevention charity, winning an award from JCI for personal achievement and accomplishment. Appearing on ‘Nationwide’ twice, ‘The Late Late Show’, ‘Today with Maura and Daithi’, ‘Midday’ and speaking in Newcastle. I am now the complete opposite to all of the above and if I never done anything else I would be content.

Who has had the biggest influence on you in your life?

My dad. The mans work ethic is crazily admirable. He is a fountain of knowledge, but one saying has stuck with me: ‘it is not what you know but who you know’. That phrase alone has gotten me very far in life.

What is the life dream now?

To continue to support, mentor and empower people through my coaching and speaking business. I want to see a world where we never need a counsellor, psychiatrist, therapist anymore. Why? Because mental health is de-stigmatised and we have enough skills to process our own stuff and feel empowered in our life. On a personal level to be financially free and be able to say YES more to life with those I love than ‘no we can’t do that today’ or ‘I can’t afford that right now’.

How do you switch off?

I have set firm boundaries between business and life. The weekends is a full on no-work zone. I use this time to be present, connect and make memories with those I love. I love to have fun, be lighthearted, be foolish and silly around my daughter while being in nature.

What is your favourite Cork memory?

The day I found out why the shakey bridge was called such.

What is your favourite place in Cork?

I have many: Kinsale, Crosshaven, the whole of West Cork. There is something about towns near water that makes me feel so good.

Do you have a favourite quote or motto?

‘Breaking up is hard, but so is staying in a relationship where you are not valued, losing weight is hard but so is looking at yourself in the mirror and not being happy, finding a job is hard but so is staying in a job you hate, choose your hard.’ David Goggins

When are you at your happiest?

During and right after a meditation, just after a hard workout, having an aha moment, reading an enjoyable book, being present and having fun with my daughter.

Any regrets?

Loads, but do I dwell upon them? Absolutely not. Why? Because I cannot change my past, I can only accept it.

What is your hidden talent?

I’m a handy golfer or was at least. Got down to 7.5 handicap at 16 but being a teenager took over.

What might we be surprised to know about you?

Im pretty much an open book at this point so not sure if you’d be surprised. If you would like to know more about me just have a quick google. I never in my life thought I would say that but there it is.

Anything else you’d like to share with us?

I am constantly taking on new clients and will have lots of fun new challenges coming up in the lifecoaching space for clients. With regards corprorate and business work, I put together tailor made workshops and talks depending on your companies needs or I have pre made talks ready to go. This is my passion and purpose and I thrive off of helping individuals and business reach their utmost potential with a real, raw and authentic approach.