New tool for the beauty bag

A recent press drop to my home at first looked like something Edward Scissorshands might have found useful but this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Global Beauty has released the perfect Irish-owned tool to keep our skin in tip-top shape at all times.

Dermaplaning is suitable for both men and woman, although should be avoided if you have pustular acne, and is best described as a form of exfoliating.

Producing immediate results to the texture and tone of the skin, dermaplaning leaves you smooth and glowing with a variety of sought after benefits. Global Beauty’s at-home dermaplaning tools, not unlike a scalpel, are used to scrape off the outer most layer of the skin, the epidermis, bringing with it a host of nasties including dead skin cells and the dreaded peach fuzz, known as vellus hairs, both men and woman have grown to despair.

The pain-free treatment takes only minutes to complete, with no downtime needed afterwards, and the results leave clear, supple-looking skin. Dermaplaning also doesn’t change the structure or the genetic makeup of the hair follicle, so there is no worry about any unwanted hair growing back darker, thicker or coarser.

Step one

Ensure the skin is freshly clean, dry and free from makeup and oils. The dryer the skin, the more dead cells and peach fuzz will be removed.

Step two

Using your dominant hand, hold the Dermaplaning tool at a 45 degree angle and work in small strokes going downwards, while the other hand holds the skin taut, which is extremely important to ensure the skin doesn’t drag and there are no accidents with the tool.

Continue at the cheekbone until the enter cheek and jaw area is complete, and then move across the chin and forehead areas, making sure to avoid the eyelids, eyebrows, hairlines, sides of the nose and lips, and ensure you don’t go over any of the areas more than once.

Step three

Once you have finished dermaplaning the skin, make sure to slather the area with your favourite moisturisers and serums, or apply a nutrient-rich facemask, so as your skin can absorb all of the goodness.