Keith and Deborah Butler founded the ministry in 1979.

A testimony of faith

By Andrea Simpson

Let’s chat for a bit. It was 1979, and I was desperately looking for God.

I had visited church after church every Sunday for 2 months. I would sit at the back so I could tip out if I did not feel as though it was the right church for me.

One afternoon at lunch, a business friend started witnessing to me about the Lord. I had never heard anything like what he was saying. He then told me about Word of Faith Int’l Christian Center and its pastor, Keith A. Butler.

So, the very next Sunday, I decided to go to Word of Faith. I was so excited!

This tall man walked up on the stage. We sang a few songs, then he took the microphone. I don’t remember the exact title of the sermon, but he started teaching about how it was impossible to please God without faith. I knew in my heart that this was the right church for me. This was July 1979 that I joined Word of Faith Int’l Christian Center, under the pastorage of Keith and Deborah Butler. And my life has never been the same.

Under the leadership of Keith and Deborah Butler, Word of Faith opened its doors on January 14, 1979 with 10 members. I joined when the church had 60 members. I have never met 2 such outstanding people in ministry who exemplify honour, integrity and love for God’s people.

Why am I telling you all of this? Because I want you to experience what I did over 43 years ago when I met Keith and Deborah Butler, when they became my pastors.

On Saturday 17 September, we are hosting a free gospel concert with Faith Republic. The event will be held at 7pm at the Cork City Hall, Millennium Hall, Anglesea Street. On the following day, Sunday 18 September we will have our first faith conference at 10.30am in the same location. The other dates for our faith conferences this year are 23 October, 13 November, and 18 December. These last three meetings will be held at the Cork International Hotel.

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