Hearing well is crucial for all of us. Photo: Mark Paton

Specsavers hits 20 years of audiology care

This month Specsavers is celebrating 20 years of providing audiology services to its customers.

Elizabeth Duffy, Specsavers Wilton Audiology Director, said: “As a business, we are making it our mission to open the conversation about hearing health and hearing loss. We have state-of-the-art testing facilities in Specsavers Wilton, and our colleagues are trained to not only conduct hearing tests but also to provide people with the information they need to take care of their overall hearing health. I would encourage anyone who hasn’t had a hearing test in the last year to book in with their local Specsavers store today.”

Hearing loss is experienced by around one in 12 Irish adults and affects people of all ages. Your hearing changes over time and for different reasons, which is why people experience different types of loss at different stages in life. Despite this, many people often ignore the signs of hearing loss, concerned about being judged by others.

People should get their hearing checked if they notice any change in their hearing, regardless of their age. Most of the time hearing loss happens gradually, making it harder to notice any deterioration.

Elizabeth said that there are several tell-tale signs that could indicate you having hearing loss. These include:

· You find it difficult to listen to conversations or the TV when there’s background noise.

· Speaking and hearing people on the phone is difficult, even in a quiet room.

· You must ask others to repeat themselves often, or it sounds like they’re mumbling.

· You might find it hard to keep up with conversation when in group situations.

· You might feel stressed or tired from having to concentrate while listening.

· Family members will mention that the TV is too loud, or that you’re shouting.

· Loved ones might hint that you’re finding it difficult to hear too.

If your test results indicate you’d benefit from a hearing aid, the audiologist will talk you through the wide range of options available to you. Getting a hearing aid is all about finding what’s right for you, understanding your hearing needs, your lifestyle and your budget.

Specsavers offers a wide range of hearing aids, including its own Specsavers Advance range.

Advance hearing aids feature some of the latest technology, at Specsavers prices. Features can include background noise reduction, mobile audio streaming from a device such as a phone, wireless connectivity, app connectivity, and rechargeability.

Those eligible under the PRSI scheme can also avail of a pair of hearing aids up to the value of €1,000 or put their PRSI contribution towards the cost of a more expensive pair of hearing aids at Specsavers.

Even with a medical card, many will also have PRSI entitlements which would make them eligible for a free pair of hearing aids.

For more information about using your PRSI Treatment Benefit entitlement available at Specsavers, speak to your local store or check out www.specsavers.ie/hearing/hearing-aids/prsi-treatments-benefit.

You can also try Specsavers’ free online hearing test to get a better idea of whether you might need to have an in-store test. To find out more, visit: https://www.specsavers.ie/.stores/wilton