A toe before and after the Toeflex treatment.

Toe-tally gorgeous!

Are you tired of hiding your damaged toenails? Do you wish to confidently wear open-top shoes or sandals without worrying about the appearance of your nails?

Toeflex, available in the Marie-Vasundhara Therapy Clinic in Cork city is a remarkable hybrid gel nail, expertly crafted by combining traditional light cured resins (hard gel nail) with acrylic nail material. Designed specifically for those with injured nails, Toeflex safeguards the growing nail from further damage caused by shoe abrasion.

How does it work? The treatment begins with preparing the nail, involving gentle filing to loosen the nail fibres, removal of debris, and thorough cleaning. A primer is applied to the remaining nail, followed by the application and shaping of the Toeflex hybrid gel to create a natural-looking nail. Afterwards, the nail is cured under an LED light for 60 seconds. To complete the transformation, a top coat is applied, providing a polished finish akin to regular nail polish. The entire procedure typically takes 20 minutes.

How many treatments will you need? If it is only to hide the permanently damaged nail for an occasion, then one treatment will be enough. If it’s to protect the growing nail after a trauma, then treatments will be necessary until the nail is grown to about 75% of its normal size and a follow-up treatment will be needed every 6 to 8 weeks.

Your nails will not only look incredible but also feel like they're truly yours. With Toeflex, you can confidently strut your stuff in open-top shoes and, sandals and put your best foot forward.

Toeflex is available at the Marie-Vasundhara Therapy ClinicUnit 1, Celtic Park, Monahan Rd, Cork City. Eircode T12 A37W.

For more information, contact Marie on 085-8547280.