Grainne Power, Director of Compliance with the HPRA, alongside Melanotan 2 products detained over the past year. Photo: Fennell Photography

Health warning over dangerous tanning products

The Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) has warned the public that the unregulated substance Melanotan 2 is not safe for use and may cause serious, long-term damage to your health.

Often described as a self-tanning aid, the product is also referred to as Melanotan, Melanotan II or MT2. It is commonly sold as an injectable powder or in the form of drops and nasal sprays and is increasingly being targeted towards young people by using bright colours, flavours, and branding.

According to Grainne Power, Director of Compliance with the HPRA, this substance continues to be advertised for cosmetic purposes online despite known side effects. The HPRA will take action against individuals using social media and ecommerce to advertise and supply Melanotan 2 containing products, including the removal of content and accounts, and prosecution activity when there is significant risk to public health.

Speaking about the substance, Ms Power said: “Melanotan 2 poses a threat to someone’s health. There is no safety data to support its use, with no guarantees as to its quality, safety or effectiveness. If products advertised online seem too good to be true, it is likely that they are. Serious side effects of taking Melanotan 2 include the development of new moles, darkening of existing moles and freckles, potential loss of vision, muscle tremors, stroke and anaphylaxis,” Ms Power said.

“Melanotan 2 is not authorised by the HPRA or any medicines regulator to treat any condition. Despite how it may be presented, it is not a cosmetic product. The HPRA advises anyone using Melanotan 2 to stop using it immediately and to contact medical professionals regarding potential health concerns," Ms Power continued.

"As it is intended to be inhaled or injected, it cannot be classified as a cosmetic because it results in an action within your body. We urge consumers to carefully consider and question both what they are seeing online and the motivation of the individuals who profit from the sale and promotion of this substance. There are no legitimate suppliers of Melanotan 2 and those that do so illegally do not have your best interests or your health in mind. Taking this product simply puts your health at risk,” she added. The HPRA has noted a marked increase in activity on social media illegally advertising the sale and promotion of Melanotan 2 products. Between July 2022 and June 2023, the HPRA has removed over 500 social media or ecommerce listings relating to Melanotan 2. This is an escalation in activity when compared to a combined total of less than 500 listings removed across the previous two years.

For people concerned that they have experienced ill effects from using Melanotan 2, the HPRA recommend speaking to a medical professional.