Spiced roast squash, feta and pomegranate molasses

This easy to make recipe from Roots Kitchens really elevates butternut squash, bringing out its natural sweetness. It's a nice one to enjoy while we still have some summer left!

- 1 butternut squash

- 1 tbsp oil

- 1 tbsp tomato purée

- 1 tsp of berbere spice

- Pinch sea salt

- 100g rocket

- 2 tbsp pomegranate molasses

- 50g feta

- Chop the butternut squash int chunky pieces. (If you can’t be bothered doing this, you can buy squash prepped in most good supermarkets in the freezer - so handy!)

- Rub in the oil, tomato purée and spice.

- Roast in the oven at 180C for approximately 15-18 minutes until it just begins to become soft and starts to be caramelised. Alternatively, you can use an air fryer too.

- Cool the squash for a few minutes then add the crumbled feta, molasses and rocket. Then simply toss and serve!