Tusla Fostering presents ‘Reflections on the care experience in Cork’ on Cultural Night in Douglas. Photo: Joe Yates

Fostering a new type of experience

Tusla Fostering is hosting its first Culture Night appearance on Friday week focussing on some of the experiences of people involved in foster care.

Everyone is invited to attend the Fostering Resource Units/Aftercare event on Friday 22 September exhibiting from 4pm to 7.30pm in Douglas Library, 18 Douglas Village Shopping Centre.

Tusla Fostering presents ‘Reflections on the care experience in Cork’ - a thought-provoking display of poems, reflections and quotes written by those with care experience and those who are foster carers in Cork.

This will be a relaxed and an enjoyable event for people to explore the poems, quotes, and reflections of those with care experience and foster carers. There will be some light refreshments, tea and coffee will be available also.

The overall aim of the exhibition is to break the stigma for those with care experience and allow an insight into the multifaceted complexity of the care community in Cork.

The feelings, thoughts and emotions shared by those with care experience and foster carers allow an insight into an often-silent sector of society. The exhibition allows for members of the public to become informed about what the care experience can entail, and perhaps inspire them to begin their own fostering journey.