Some of the panellists who spoke at the event last Saturday in Cork city.

Get your life in balance

Grace Sheehan

A recent event in Cork looked at how people can improve their lives and get the most out of their day.

On Thursday 12 October, Revive Active hosted a Balance Series event in the Dean Hotel in Cork city hosted by MC Sherna Malone and it kicked off with a female-led wellness panel discussion.

The event aimed to create conversation, raise awareness, and inspire attendees with topics such as work-life balance, sleep, movement, real-life experiences, and nutritional advice.

The panel included a host of well-known woman’s health advocates including performance nutritionist Sìnead Bradbury, female health expert Dr Fiona Barry PhD and Trisha Lewis, better known as Trisha’s Transformation.

Sinead Bradbury began by describing how we all are athletes in our own right and how we need to fuel and treat ourselves like athletes to be at our best.

Trisha Lewis then spoke of her journey so far and how life has its ups and downs. She explained that how you react to life is so important.

“Life is all about balance but as we all know life can get in the way and through these events, we hope to give each person here tonight some tips and advice to enrich their lives, whether it’s simply making time for rest, putting steps in place to better fuel themselves, or just getting a walk in and getting away from all the hustle and bustle of life.”

Finally, Dr Fiona Barry PhD, owner of two female wellness clinics in Cork and a key member of the formulation team of Meno Active, covered both her own experiences and her clients’ experiences dealing with female health.

The Balance Series event proved to be an unforgettable experience with a vibrant atmosphere and robust conversation as well as delicious treats and bubbles for the attendees.