North Cork Electrical provide energy solutions to businesses and homes.

North Cork company aims to empower communities

In 2016, an entrepreneur with a vision embarked on a mission to make a difference.

Armed with 18 years of experience in the electrical contracting, oil and gas, mining, and construction industries across Ireland and Australia, Richard Crowley decided it was time to bring his expertise back home to North Cork.

Fuelled by a passion for sustainable energy solutions, he founded North Cork Electrical, a company focussed on innovation and reliability in the realm of renewable energy.

Returning to his roots in North Cork, Richard Crowley envisioned a future where communities could harness the power of renewable energy. His dream was to create a company that not only met the energy needs of the present but also paved the way for a greener, more sustainable tomorrow. With a focus on his own strengths and expertise, Richard set up North Cork Electrical as an energy contracting firm.

Specialists in sustainability

North Cork Electrical has earned a reputation as leaders in the renewable energy sector. Specializing in a myriad of sustainable energy solutions, the company became known for cutting-edge technology, meticulous craftsmanship, and dedication to client satisfaction. From solar power installations illuminating homes harnessing the power of nature, North Cork Electrical help to empower communities and businesses to embrace eco-friendly alternatives.

Under Richard Crowley's leadership, North Cork Electrical continued to embrace the latest advancements in renewable energy technology, ensuring that their clients received state-of-the-art solutions tailored to their specific needs. The company's commitment to excellence and innovation made them a trusted partner for businesses, homeowners, and organizations alike.

North Cork Electrical remains committed to shaping a more sustainable world. With every project completed, they reaffirmed their belief that renewable energy was not just a choice but a responsibility.

In the heart of North Cork, North Cork Electrical continued to illuminate the path towards a greener future. As they look ahead, the thriving company remains dedicated to their mission: empowering communities, one sustainable solution at a time.