A free ear test take place on 11 December. Photo: Anthony Camerlo

Time for a hearing test!

Grace Sweeney

Now is the perfect chance to get your hearing tested with a free test as this week is part of Cork Hard of Hearing Week which runs from 22 to 29 November.

As part of Cork Hard of Hearing Awareness Week, The Cork Deaf Association is running a free Hearing Test Clinic on Monday 11 December.

Cork Hard of Hearing Week includes a wide range activity throughout the week.

There will be an outreach information stand in Wilton Shopping Centre from 10am until 4pm today, Thursday 23 November.

The week of activities continues with a drop in social cake and coffee morning from 10.30am to 12pm on Monday 27 November.

There will be a free taster lipreading class in Cork Deaf Association on Wednesday 29 November from 10am until 12pm.

The week aims to promote aims to promote awareness of the impact of hearing loss and to encourage hard of hearing people to seek support.

Approximately 250,000 people in Ireland suffer with significant hearing loss, including one in three adults aged 60 and over.

Sometimes the person with a hearing loss may not be the first one to realise it and could be picked up by friends and family. They may note that the television is too loud or find that they are repeating themselves more frequently during conversations.

Less than half of the people affected take steps to address their hearing loss, despite the fact that their quality of life may be affected.

Hearing loss can have an impact on a person’s wellbeing as they may become more withdrawn, avoiding social interactions and environments where communication is difficult, increasing the risk of social isolation and developing symptoms of depression or dementia.

Don’t fear as there are many active steps that people with hearing loss can take towards improving their communication experience and quality of life.

Cork Deaf Association Hard of Hearing Coordinator Sarah Good encourages people to participate in the activities taking place over the week.

“Hard of Hearing Awareness week provides a fantastic opportunity to not only meet others who live with a hearing loss, but to take part in informative events and activities. By taking part and getting involved, you can make a huge difference to your daily life and feel a bit less isolated with your hearing loss!”

For more information on Cork Deaf Association contact 021-4505944, email mail@corkdeaf.ie or text 086-8535574.