Eithne of Twoheartsmeet Matchmaking Agency,

Win a chance at love!


Cork’s premier dating agency is in business since 2011 when Eithne and Daniel set up their matchmaking business to help single, separated, divorced and widowed people find a long term partner. They offer a confidential service to people who are available to commit to a relationship with a like minded, compatible partner.

Everyone who joins up gets to meet with Eithne to complete a personality profiling which takes between 60-90 minutes. People bring along proof of id and address for everyone’s peace of mind. The members are genuinely looking for long term love and companionship, and are aged between mid 30s and mid 70s and ready to embark on a new relationship.

To be in with a chance to win free membership for 2024, just call Twoheartsmeet on 085-7742444 between 10am and 6pm Monday to Thursday or from10am to 3pm on Fridays. Eithne will take your name and contact number and your details will go into a hat.

The winner will be drawn on Monday 11 December and will be notified by Eithne on the contact number he or she has provided. To protect their privacy, the name of the winner will not be published publicly unless they wish for it to be done so.

So, if you are single or otherwise unattached and are interested in becoming a member of a successful and reputable matchmaking agency, or if you know someone who you would like to nominate with their permission, please get in touch within the next 2 weeks to be in with a chance to win. Last entries accepted up to 2pm on Friday 8 December.

For more information about Twoheartsmeet, check out the website twoheartsdating.com.