A home share can be mutually beneficial. Photo: Andrea Pia

Unlock your independence

Most people want to remain living in their own homes as they age, but for some, it can be very lonely. Most people don’t want to be a burden on their families but also don’t have the finances to employ someone privately to stay overnight for peace of mind.

THE HomeShare is a groundbreaking initiative that bridges generations, fosters companionship, and redefines independent living.

Homesharing could be the best decision you can make to safeguard your independence as you age.

As we age, maintaining independence becomes paramount. THE HomeShare offers a bespoke, affordable solution that complements existing home care supports. Householders open their homes to carefully matched, garda-vetted homesharers, who provide practical assistance and companionship in exchange for free accommodation.

This model ensures you remain in your own home, surrounded by memories and familiarity. Imagine having someone to share stories with, assist with daily tasks, and provide peace of mind—especially during those quiet nights.

For young professionals facing a daunting housing market, especially in bustling cities like Cork, homesharing provides a lifeline. Renting in the private sector often drains finances without offering a sense of permanence.

But with homesharing, affordability meets security and for most, it is the first time they have a lovely home whilst being able to save to buy their own forever home in the future.

Homesharing can offer a myriad of benefits for both relatives and neighbours of the individual engaging in a homeshare arrangement. For relatives, it fosters a sense of security knowing their loved one is not living alone, potentially reducing worries about safety in an emergency and loneliness.

Additionally, as a sharer provides practical support, such as assistance with daily tasks or companionship, it eases the burden of caregiving responsibilities on family members. Meanwhile, neighbours enjoy the added sense of peace of mind, knowing their neighbour is not living alone, and they can resume their neighbourly relationship without the worry of emergencies.

To ensure the success of each homeshare arrangement, a dedicated local homeshare consultant visits the home each month and THE HomeShare’s team are available 24/7/365 in case of emergencies.

Learn more at thehomeshare.ie.