World Animal Protection Day takes place on 4 October.

Give a dog a HUG

This week marks World Animal Protection Day, and in its honour, Maxi Zoo is starting its annual customer donation campaign. Friendship bracelets for adults and kids will be sold until the end of the year in all 20 Maxi Zoo stores in Ireland in support of Maxi Zoo's chosen charity: HUG - Homes for Unwanted Greyhounds.

HUG is a registered charity based in Ireland which aims to find loving homes for retired Irish racing greyhounds and promote a positive image of the breed as pets throughout Ireland.

Every year, thousands of greyhounds enter the racing industry in Ireland, but many are retired quite young due to injury or sheer lack of speed. While still healthy, vibrant dogs, they find themselves unwanted if they are not earning prize money. With a lifespan of between 12-14 years, every greyhound deserves a forever home, the charity says.

The classic adult size bracelet is priced at €2.50 and the children's bracelet is priced at €2 with 100 per cent of the profits being donated to HUG. In 2019 Maxi Zoo raised €38,000 for Dogs Trust.

“Each bracelet sold enabled us to create one of the largest animal welfare support campaigns in Europe, which makes me extremely grateful and proud,” said Fressnapf/Maxi Zoo founder Torsten Toeller.

To find out more about the campaign, visit or visit @maxizooireland on Facebook and Instagram. World Animal Protection Day takes place on Sunday 4 October.