Professional help with colour is at hand

Clever colour choices can completely transform any area, from an inviting hallway to a tranquil bedroom.

So if you’re looking to paint just one room or the whole house, help is at hand from Irish paint company Colourtrend who have experts to guide you with its new Video Ask service.

At the touch of a button, you can access professional advice on the latest trends, timeless colour schemes and get a tailored response to help you create the look you want.

A first of its kind, Colourtrend’s free video messaging service is available online now. You simply share a voice or a video recording via the Video Ask link on the Colourtrend website, and an expert will review your request to come back with a recommendation within 24 hours.

Paint technology has come a long way, and with skilled professionals on hand Monday to Friday, the Video Ask service is a great way to create the effect you want, all from the comfort of home and before you invest in pots of paint. Just provide as much relevant information as you can within a two-minute timeframe, so your colour consultant gets a full picture of the space you are designing and a sense of the look or style you are going for.

To guarantee the best matching results, you can sample the colours for yourself with Colourtrend’s colour cards, available to order free of charge.

Visit and have fun creating the perfect palette.