Reach for the stars (or your door frame)

By Jaconel Janssen

Looking down too much, head forward, shoulders rounded, and back slumped, can cause neck, upper back and shoulder pain.

Having a forward head posture might even be linked to a higher risk of falling.

A few simple changes can break the habit of looking down so much.

Next time you notice the beautiful autumn leaves on the ground, take time to also look at the top of the tree. The clouds in the sky. Create a standing work station, computer screen at eye height. When reading your messages, place your phone standing on a shelf, rather than flat on the table.

An improved posture and regular upward stretching will be helpful too.

In every class and one-to-one movement session that I teach, we start with a posture check.

There are so many benefits of an improved posture: less tension in neck and shoulders, improved back health, less wear and tear on the joints, easier breathing, improved circulation and digestion and a better balance. Thats’ to name just a few!

Add a simple upward stretch to your day: reach for the frame above you, each time you go through a door in your home.

Stand up tall. Weight evenly balanced over both feet. Hips over heels, shoulders over hips and ears over shoulders (think of a plumb line), chin parallel to the floor. You could draw your chin slightly back, and imagine a string pulling your head upwards, to lengthen the back of your neck. Don’t strain, keep it gentle.

Slowly reach your arms up towards the top, or side, of your door frame. If you can’t lift both arms, gently reach one arm at a time. Keep your weight slightly over your heels, your ribs dropped and relaxed. Stay here for a few moments. Imagine your tailbone lengthening down. Keep the breathing natural and relaxed.

Next time you notice your head dropping forward, gently bring your ears back over your shoulders. Stretch up, reach for the sky. Look at the ceiling. And if you see cobwebs, just ignore them. Or better still, dust them away. You just found yourself a great movement opportunity!

Jaconel Janssen is a Pilates and Buff Bones teacher and founder of Pilates People Cork. She teaches regular movement classes in Cork, both in person and online, and a monthly outdoor class. For more information on classes or one-to-one sessions, visit or Facebook Pilates People Cork or contact or 085-1613505.