Brian McKeown, Chairperson of the RIAI Southern Region, Valerie Fenton, Chairperson Engineer’s Ireland Cork Region and John McCarthy BE CEng, three of the five judges in the Cork City 2101 Design Competition. Photo: Alison Miles/OSM PHOTO

Design judges announced

Drum roll, please. The five judges in the Cork City 2101 Design Competition have been announced.

These are Dr Mary Moloney from MTU, Tricia O’Sullivan, Chair IPI Cork Branch, Peter McKeown, Chair RIAI Southern Branch, Valerie Fenton, Chair Engineer’s Ireland Cork Branch and John McCarthy BEng.

The judging panel cover a broad spectrum of engineers and representatives from partner professions in the built environment. The competition entries, displaying creative visions of Cork in the year 2101, as developed by the engineering community, will be publicly exhibited from 10-12 March in St Peter’s Church on North Main Street. This will offer the public an opportunity to engage with these visions, something it is hoped will stimulate much discussion and debate about the future direction of Cork’s physical environment, economy, and society.

This competition has been a great opportunity for the engineering community to showcase their creativity and innovation in addressing the challenges that face Cork city, the metropolitan area, and Cork county, over the coming 80 years.

Valerie Fenton said: “We are confident that the public will be enthused by the variety and originality produced by the engineer lead teams and that this opportunity for expression will inspire Cork’s younger population to consider a career in the solution focused industry of engineering.”