Artist Florin Nolan with his artwork ahead of his exhibition in Cork City Library. Photo: Matthew Murphy

‘It has been a long life dream for me’

A lifelong dream will come true for an artist, supported by Cope Foundation and Suisha Arts, next week as he opens his first exhibition.

Florin Nolan from Cobh will open his exhibition on 3 December at Cork City Library called ‘Floricoland’. Its opening takes place on International Day of Persons with Disabilities which aims to promote the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of society.

The showing features fine art paintings, sculptures and a stop-motion animation which Florin wrote and produced. His work features vibrant characters and dream-like buildings. He uses his trademark watercolour and ink medium to paint aspects of his home town, Cork city and county.

Florin was adopted from Romania and his 3-dimensional work, based on animals and insects, reflects on his personal journey from the orphanage in Romania to his life with his family in Ireland.

This year, Florin received a mentoring award from the Arts Council’s Arts and Disability Connect Scheme and has been guided by East Cork artist John McHarg. The grant allowed Florin to concentrate fully on his art and to explore different mediums.

He said: “I am very proud that I have my first solo exhibition at Cork City Library. It has been a long life dream for me, and a dream for me to make art and be able to sell my art and be acknowledged as an artist. My art work brings me happiness, I am able to express myself and my exhibition is called ‘Floricoland’ which spreads the joy.”

Eoin Nash, Manager of Arts and Creative Arts Therapies with Cope Foundation said: “I have had the pleasure of working and creating with Florin for a number of years now. His creativity and creative output are a celebration of artistic potential being realised.

“Florin brings colour and hope to physical environments which nourish the spaces and people who experience it. Florin is an inspiration to other emerging artists and a beacon of hope for arts work that has remained on the peripheries for too long.

“This exhibition puts Florin and his work centre stage,” he added.