Nano Nagle Place museum celebrates International Museum Day on Saturday. Photo: Clare Keough

Nano Nagle Place celebrates the importance of museums

The people of Cork are invited to come and explore one of the city’s most historic sites as part of International Museum Day 2024.

This Saturday, Nano Nagle Place is welcoming visitors to its award-winning museum completely free of charge.

Visitors are invited to discover the inspiring history of Nano Nagle and her enduring legacy at Nano Nagle Place. In addition, Madrigal ’75, a diverse vocal ensemble founded by university students in 1975, will perform a free concert in the Goldie Chapel at 4pm with all donations going to Nano Nagle Place.

“Nano Nagle Place, nestled in the heart of Cork city, is dedicated to fostering a world where everyone feels connected and belongs,” said John Smith, CEO of Nano Nagle Place.

In 2022, Nano Nagle Place was honoured with the Council of Europe Museum Prize, recognising its commitment to evolving and adapting to meet the changing needs of society.

Mr Smith continued: “As we continue to evolve, we remain dedicated to sharing Nano Nagle's story and engaging with diverse local and global audiences.”

International Museum Day is a global celebration of the importance of museums and marks the official start to the summer programme of events in Nano Nagle Place.

Sr Julie Watson, Congregational Leader of the Presentation Sisters, said: “Nano Nagle Place has given a new meaning to the concept of the museum. It uses Nano Nagle, a powerful figure from the past, reinterpreting her call for the 21st century to create meaningful change in the present.”

International Museum Day 2024 will be celebrated this Saturday at Nano Nagle Place. Entry is free. For more information, visit