Nuri Albakri, cosplayer and inspiration for the Feel the Force Festival Dunmanway, demonstrates a light saber at the launch of the festival.

A galaxy far, far Dunmanway

The Rebel Alliance has intercepted plans for an intergalactic Star Wars festival taking place in West Cork this June bank holiday weekend.

All tribes are welcome to the inaugural Feel the Force festival, a weekend of Star Wars themed activities, workshops, and cosplay for all ages and galactic associations.

Taking place on 1 and 2 June, the festival will see dozens of characters in full costume patrolling the streets of Dunmanway where the Rebels and the Empire will try to put their differences aside for the two days.

For its first outing, the festival’s has chosen an inclusive ethos of ‘All Tribes Welcome’ and will feature characters and models from Naboo to Tatooine, stormtroopers to Tusken raiders.

Movie authentic cosplayers and collectors will be on hand over the course of the weekend to answer any and all intergalactic questions and queries.

The festival kicks off at 10.45am on 1 June with an opening ceremony on Tatooine (Atkins Hall) where visitors can get a photo opportunity with her royale highness Queen Amidala. Later on, from 3-4pm, a special screening of the short film ‘Stormtroopers’ followed by a talk will be held at Atkins Hall. There will also be a children's mask making workshop, a Star Wars painting workshop for adults, and special FX make-up sessions. The day will finish with music throughout the streets of Dunmanway from 5pm.

Sunday begins with Quiet Hour, a sensory friendly hour running from 10.30-11.30am at both St Patrick’s Hall Atkins Hall in the town.

From 12-1pm, a free local heritage talk will be given by history consultant, Michelle O’Mahony at Atkins Hall. The whole festival will culminate in a spectacular parade through Dunmanway at 4pm featuring cosplayer groups and local clubs, followed by a Tusken Showdown in Market Square.

The Feel the Force festival was created by festival co-ordinator Catherine Crowley with the help of Star Wars super fans Nuri Albakri and his wife Caroline. Nuri and Caroline met in 2014 and they bonded over all things sci-fi, Star Wars especially. In 2016, Caroline wanted a Stormtrooper figure for her desk and that little five-inch figurine fuelled their massive collection of all things Star Wars.

The festival was made possible with the help of many local sponsors and the Dunmanway Chamber of Commerce. Speaking ahead of the festival, Chamber Chair, Tim Buckley, said: “Dunmanway is a town steeped in Irish history and heritage and the arrival of Feel the Force represents a new and exciting departure for events in our town. On behalf of the business, social and economic strand of our town, I extend a huge céad míle fáilte to all who will attend this fantastic event on the June Bank Holiday Weekend.”

Entry to the festival is €5 which grants access to all venues. Go to the Feel the Force festival or go not…there is no try.