Michael Chanda from the Discovery Gospel Choir; footballer Roberto Lopes; Minister for International Development and Diaspora, Sean Fleming TD, designer Virtue Shine and dancer Lapree Lala at the Africa Day 2024 event programme launch. Photo: JULIEN BEHAL PHOTOGRAPHY

Africa Day 2024 is launched

From drumming to soccer to art, there is plenty of events planned for this year’s Africa Day.

Taking place on 25 May, Africa Day is an opportunity to learn more about the diversity and vibrancy of African cultures with activities taking place across Cork city and county.

The Minister for International Development and Diaspora, Seán Fleming TD launched the nationwide programme of events for Africa Day 2024. This year’s Africa Day Cork County is taking place on Saturday, 25th of May at Mallow Library.

He said: “I am delighted to launch the programme for Africa Day 2024. Ireland has growing trade, political and cultural links across the continent of Africa. Africa Day is an opportunity to promote those links and learn more about the diversity and vibrancy of African cultures. The Department of Foreign Affairs is working with local authorities around Ireland on a nationwide programme of events.”

Africa Day is the annual worldwide celebration of the people, cultures, and potential of the African continent.

This year, all 31 local authorities across Ireland will host various cultural, artistic, and family-friendly events. These will include contemporary African-Irish culture, as well as family fun days, fashion, art, film, music, dance, and food events, which will take place in towns and cities across Ireland.

What's planned?

• Drumming workshops will take place from 11.30am-12.30pm and from 2.15-3.15 pm at Mallow Library

• The Prizegiving for the Art Competition & Exhibition will take place at 2pm at Mallow Library where children and teenagers are invited to submit artwork with the theme Africa Day, and with an exhibition of artwork from children and teenagers from Drishane Accommodation Centre.

• A free family day will take place from 12.30-2.30pm at Mallow Library

• Beyond The Surface: Discovering Diversity in African Masks will take place on 20 May from 6-8pm at Cork Public Museum with the launch of Africa Day Week Cork

• Bridging Cultures, Building Resilience: Navigating Dual Identities and Mental Well-being in African Migrant Families will take place on 22 May from 6-8pm at The Atrium, New Civic Offices, City Hall,. There will be a seminar on the various challenges facing African heritage children who are growing up in Ireland

• Africa Day at The Crane Lane will take place on 23 May from 8pm

• The inaugural Unity Cup Soccer Tournament will take place on 24 May from 5.30-9pm at Glen Resource and Sports Centre

• The African Union Flag-Raising and Parade of All Nations will take place on 25 May from 11am onwards at Cork City Hall and from Parnell Place to Grand Parade, with a procession of flags of all African nations through Oliver Plunkett Street, an open-top bus tour, and the opening of the Cork City Africa Day Family Fun Day at Fitzgerald Park

• The Africa Day Festival will take place on 25 May from 12.30-6pm at Fitzgerald Park