Homeless figures continue to rise across Ireland.

157 children are without a home

The number of adults and children using emergency accommodation in Cork and Kerry is rising according to new figures from the Department of Housing.

The recently published April 2024 Homeless Report showed 520 adults accessed emergency accommodation across Cork during the week 22-28 April. This is an increase of 16 adults on the same period of the previous month.

In the same week in April, Galway recorded 272 adults while Louth recorded 202. Dublin recorded 7,028 adults in emergency accommodation.

In the South-West (Cork and Kerry), there were 68 adults aged between 18 and 24, 327 between 25 and 44, 146 between 45 and 64, and 17 aged over 65. The report also found 88 families accessed emergency accommodation in the South-West region in the last week of April, 64 of which were single parent families. These families included 121 adults and 157 children. This is 14 fewer children - a decrease of 8.5%, as the same period last year.

However, figures from March 2024 show that 151 children were in emergency accommodation in the South-West, 6 less than in April.