Let’s talk about weight (it might not be what you expect)

By Jaconel Janssen

Are you looking for a magic pill? Something to reduce body fat, reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer, low back pain, falls and fractures? Something to promote mental and emotional health?

It may sound too good to be true, but there is something you can take. It does not come as a pill, or even cost a thing! The magic is called strength or resistance training.

What is resistance training? It is muscle strengthening against a resistance. This can be lifting weights, working with resistance bands, heavy gardening, climbing stairs, hill walking - any activity that makes your muscles work harder than usual.

Musculoskeletal weakness is a real problem for many people. But it is not inevitable. The muscle loss we might associate with ageing often comes from inactivity. You know the expression, and it is true too when it comes to our muscles: ‘use it or lose it’.

Studies with post-menopausal women, older men and even people in their nineties have shown significant gains in muscle mass, strength and functional abilities, after just several weeks of basic strength training.

You can start lifting every-day objects such as pots and pans (empty) or sturdy shopping bags (not empty) to gain strength.

I often use bags with some of the shopping left in, or the laundry basket with clothes.

Start slowly, and gradually build up your load. It should be heavy enough to feel your muscles work, but not struggle. Move slowly and precisely with good form, through a pain-free range of movement. Breathe out on the effort, do not hold your breath.

Squat, hinging from your hips, grab a bag with the same weight in each hand. Come up into a half squat. Keep your back straight and neck aligned.

Step one foot back if that feels steady. Slowly lift your elbows up behind you, without lifting your shoulders or ribs, elbows close to your body. Repeat until your muscles start to fatigue.

Squat a little wider, grab one bag with both hands, slowly come into standing with good posture, ears over shoulders.

Then lift the bag up to your breastbone, elbows wide, shoulders relaxed, and lower down again. These are just a few suggestions to get you started.

The magic pill? Add weight to your work-out. It will not make you look like a body builder. But it will help you strengthen your body.

The benefits are too numerous to ignore - quite your pièce de résistance!

Jaconel Janssen is a Pilates and Buff Bones teacher and founder of Pilates People Cork. She teaches regular movement classes in Cork, both in person and online, and a monthly outdoor class. For more information on classes or one-to-one sessions, visit www.pilatespeoplecork.com or Facebook Pilates People Cork or contact info@pilatespeoplecork.com or 085-1613505.