Portion size was critical for Bia Sasta’s change in weight. Photo: Monika Grabkowska

How are the New Year’s diets going?

As we step into the second half of February, I can't help but ponder who is still committed to the New Year's diet resolutions they enthusiastically embraced on 1 January?

My inbox has been flooded with an avalanche of press releases touting the latest 'research' on high fat, low fat, high fibre, low fibre, vegan, Keto, and so on, each seemingly contradicting the previous one.

Amidst this nutritional chaos, I even received a report ranking the costs of different diets, with veganism claiming a top position in the realm of expensive lifestyles – a claim I haven't personally verified.

What I am sure about personally is that diets don’t work. I lost quite a bit of weight two years ago and I am keeping it down ever since but that is due to me still watching my portion sizes (the main problem when I gained weight as I am a glutton at heart) and I am very active as well as checking my weight regularly.

I am not obsessed with my weight but I am more aware of it now. Did I follow a diet? No, I didn’t. Firstly, I am not the type to weigh things or to count calories or eat fad foods.

Secondly, I remembered what my mum always said: ‘eat half’ – so I simply cut down on portion size and it worked.

Losing my appetite due to Covid also helped with that as I wasn’t in the mood for eating as well as stopping drinking alcohol daily. Now the smaller portion sizes have become the norm to me and helps to keep the weight down.

I don’t believe in restricting or eliminating a food group but eating in balance. My diet still includes all my favourite dishes like pizza (I simply don’t want to imagine a world without pizza).

These days, Mr T and I share a pizza rather than me indulging in a solo feast of a 12 inch one (which never caused me any trouble to eat by the way).

Growing up with a mother who seemingly defied the laws of weight gain, I faced the challenge of easily putting on pounds. Even at my slimmest, I never quite matched up to her petite size 6-8 (once she reached a size 10 – she was pregnant with my youngest brother).

Despite occasional bouts of envy, I was okay with my body size until it reached a point where finding flattering clothes became a challenge.

Looking back at photos now, I still can’t believe how big I became. But I also think that I am proof that a change in lifestyle is the best way to lose weight and to keep it down.

Is it a straightforward journey? Certainly not! Is it worth the effort? Absolutely! I am healthy, feel better and can now walk up the hill without sounding like an old tractor.

So the secret to weight loss for me is simply to eat less, walk and exercise more and drink less alcohol.

The most important part is that you are healthy – not slim or skinny but healthy. Don’t ever worry about what some articles in women’s magazines tell you – the same magazines will tell you to indulge come Easter!